Want to create realism in art? You've come to the right place.
Chiaroscuro means light and dark. It's an Italian word. As an art technique, it means creating a bold contrast between light and dark.
A similar term is tenebrism. Tenebrism usually refers to a painting with an overall darkness, a boldly lit focal area, and an exaggerated sense of chiaroscuro lighting.
In art school, you're likely to learn about chiaroscuro lighting. You'll learn how to recognize it. What they don't typically tell you is why you should use it or how to do it.
Look at the following two photographs of flowers. The first was taken in daylight. The second was taken using chiaroscuro lighting.
Notice the amount of detail visible in the first compared to the second. With chiaroscuro lighting, about a third of the details in this photo are veiled in darkness. They become shaded and vague.
Because a portion of the details are obscured by darkness, there are fewer details to paint. Details that are shaded become indistinct. They have soft edges and muted colors. Some have barely any defining shape at all. Isn't a painting with fewer details easier to paint?
One could argue, and I will, that because chiaroscuro reduces the sheer amount of detail to be painted, it could speed up the painting process.
Of course it does.
To create a chiaroscuro painting, you need to set up, or take advantage of, chiaroscuro-like lighting.
I take chiaroscuro photos at night. I turn off the lights and use a single light source light a candle or flashlight. Narrowing the beam of light creates a spotlight-like chiaroscuro effect.
Working in a dark room or space requires longer exposure times. Longer exposures allow the camera shutter to remain open longer, letting in more light.
Set the camera to manual. Raise the camera's ISO if necessary. Adjust the shutter speed and F-stop for proper exposure. Aim for a slightly darker exposure. The goal is to minimize or eliminate detail within the dark areas of the photograph. Aim to capture sharp detail in the lit areas only.
Chiaroscuro in painting relies on a high level of contrast. It reduces the sheer amount of detail to be painted. Therefore, I think it not only makes a painting more dramatic, but makes it easier to paint. Painting less detail can speed up the time it takes to complete a painting.
The easiest way to create chiaroscuro art is to get the lighting right from the start.